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It's a New Day: Time to Rejoice

Trudi McGee

Ah, morning has broken, and the sun's gentle rays peek through the curtains, signaling the start of a fresh day. With a warm cup of coffee, endless possibilities fill the air. Today, we're embracing the unknown with open arms, ready to savor every moment that comes our way.

Morning Sun

Embracing the Beauty of Uncertainty

As we step into the day with a sense of wonder, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of uncertainty. Life is an unpredictable journey, filled with twists and turns that keep us on our toes. Instead of fearing the unknown, why not welcome it as a chance for growth and discovery?

Field of Flowers

Finding Joy in the Present

In a world constantly buzzing with noise and distractions, pausing and finding joy in the present moment is essential. Whether it's a peaceful walk in nature, a heartwarming conversation with a loved one, or simply relishing the flavors of a delicious meal, happiness can be found in the simplest of things.

Seizing Opportunities

The beauty of a new day lies in the opportunities it presents. Each sunrise brings a chance to start afresh, set new goals, and chase our dreams with unwavering determination. Let's seize the day and make the most of every opportunity that comes our way!

Mountains at Sunset

Embracing Uncertainty with Grace

Life combines sunshine and storms, laughter and tears, success and setbacks. Embracing the unknown doesn't mean having all the answers; it means facing each moment with courage and grace, knowing that every experience uniquely shapes us.

Here's to a New Beginning

As we bask in the warmth of the sun's rays, let's celebrate the gift of a new day. No matter what challenges may come our way, let's face them head-on with a spirit of optimism and resilience. Embrace the unknown, for within it lies the magic of new beginnings and endless possibilities.

So, here's to the sun, here's to a new day—let's rejoice in the beauty of the unknown and make today a day worth remembering!

Remember, every day is a fresh start waiting to be unwrapped—a blank canvas ready for you to paint your story. So, go out there and seize the day, for the unknown holds infinite adventures just waiting to be explored. Live in the moment, embrace the uncertainty, and let the sun guide you on this beautiful journey called life.

It is a new day; Rejoice and be glad.

Today is the day that the Lord has made. Everything is New. The Old has passed away; now behold the newness and freshness of this day. There are abundant gifts, a lavish outpouring of blessings, handed down today. Where there has been disappointment, now there is fulfillment. Where there have been negatives and darkness, now there is light. Where there has been sadness, now there is joy. These gifts are in abundant supply, with no rationing, and yes, they are for you in fullness, in the overflowing provision of God.

 What you have been seeing and experiencing is turned around, knocked over, turned around. Nothing is impossible. All that has been a blockage has been removed. Open doors of blessing are your portion today. Prosperity is yours today. Goodness and Mercy follow you today. The power of the resurrection of Jesus Blood, Covered, covers you. Today is beautiful, sparkling, clean, good things. Goodness and Mercy surround you, dance around you, and follow you. God's ears are highly tuned to your calling; his heart feels your essence. No harm comes near you, for you are under the divine protection of the Trinity. Walk in the oneness of Jesus the Father and the Holy Spirit today. There is a complete connection with these incredible powers all in you. Pulsating with power, love, authority, life, goodness, heaven sounds, and fragrance. Be immersed in this power, this light, his love, his provision; it outshines and towers above everything. The light shines bright on you. The darkness cannot prevail.

Prayer of Thanksgiving.

Lord, you have created this day. It belongs to you, and I am a part of it. It is fantastic, and I rejoice, celebrate, and am glad.

Thank you, Oh Lord, for your tender mercies and grace that meet me every morning. They caress me like a gentle arm. A soft kiss on my forehead reminds me that all is well. The sun to warm me. A fragrant wind that fills my soul. It reminds me that all is well. You cause me to win. The peace that I desire is mine. The rest I desire is mine; I receive these beautiful gifts you bring me with each new day. You whisper to me that all is well. I am blessed; you have shined your light of approval, love, joy, provision, forgiveness, and success on me.

You are my God, and I thank and praise you. Your loving kindness is forever.


Trudi music© 2023. All rights reserved.

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