Isn't it great to be noticed? Listened to, and know that your words mean something to someone? They don't fall to the ground and are placed directly into the garbage pail.
Here is a word for you today. In several versions:

God says I hear your prayers even before you utter them from your lips, even before they are completed thoughts.
Isaiah 65:24 New International Version: Before they call, I will answer: while they are still speaking, I will hear.
New Living Translation: I will answer them before they even call me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers.
English Standard. Even before they call, I will answer, and while they are still speaking, I will hear.
King James Version: It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer, and while they are still speaking, I will hear.

Father, we thank you for your answered prayers. You see all my thoughts even before I know them myself. You are a great and awesome God. You know my thoughts are far off. You are so amazing. There is nothing hidden from you. I AM so thankful you know my goings in and coming out. Yes, Lord, you see those anxious thoughts. But you have already said that it is finished, it is done, don't fear, be anxious for nothing. But by prayer and supplication, make your desires and your requests known. Nothing is too hard for you, Lord. You can do anything, and you will do it for me. Your word says, when I call out to you, you will answer me, be with me in trouble, deliver and honor me. Oh God, as nothing is impossible for you. I ask for the impossible.
In real-time, Lord, I ask that whoever reads this is blessed beyond measure and that miracles, signs, and wonders will pursue and surround them. Let all who read experience a breakthrough, heaven on earth, in all areas of their lives. Show yourself strong, Lord. Families are made new, relationships restored, and hearts mended. Finances blessed beyond measure. We shall be a lender and not a borrower—supernatural favor of you, Lord, on our lives. Give us wisdom and clear vision and insight so that we walk, live, move, and have our total being in the truth that we are sons and daughters of you, Lord. We have your very DNA flowing in and through us. Please make us aware of your greatness inside of us. We are powerful, anointed, blessed, highly favored men and women of you, Lord. We are directly from you. We are one with you and can do what you can. You are the great God Almighty, All Powerful, All Knowing God. All bow before you. We say Hallelujah and give you praise.
We thank you for peace that passes all understanding. From a different realm, we see and understand, live, and operate as sons and daughters of the Most High God, the only God, our maker and creator, our life, our breath, our everything.
Father, we petition you with our families and government leaders; Lord, let your will be done, and your Kingdom come NOW. Lord. We seek you wholeheartedly and desire that your plans be perfected in our lives. Remove from us all things that are not of your Kingdom. Wash us, make us clean and pure, A vessel with no leaks, kinks, or blockages; let us perfectly align with you.
We give you all the Glory, the Honor and the Praise,
